Friday, January 31, 2014

Blogging: Sharing Your Opinion

I've always had this interest to blog but never the drive to actually try. Late last year I tried to blog about my favorite NFL team the Miami dolphins. I think I posted about 2 blogs on them. I never knew what I should blog about and I wouldn't be consist with my blog posts. My first blog was in November than my second didn't happen until January.

The only blog that I actually kept consist was for a class last spring for comm technology. This blog after the class was done I didn't continue. I never really thought about that blog until now and I don't even remember the last time I saw it.

I never really thought how blogging could earn money for people. Its differently a awesome opportunity for people who love writing and can do it for money. I never thought my writing was very good. I'm a okay writer but nothing fancy. I think when it comes to my writing and blogging, I could be more creative with my posts.

This gives a more depth view into blogging and some interesting facts. The video is a little old, it was published back in 2012. Which is crazy to think but of course social media changes everyday, so in essences so does blogging. Never the less I do think it offers some interesting ideas.


I do think blogging is important. By being able to blog you can get different messages out there. Also you never know who you could impact with your blog. Its amazing how blogs can connect people around the world. I find it interesting when you can look at your blog stats and see people from different counties reading about what you wrote and what your passions are. I like this article that talks about the importance of blogging for businesses

I would like to think that blogging is a good way to share an opinion or thought that you had. Blogging could also serve to talk about a certain passion of yours. You never know who reads your blog, it could one of those post that you feel isn't the greatest but some one comes along and loves your work. In my mind blogging is a great tool to express your personality.

With that said after this class, I want to keep blogging. For me its a way to express things that are on my mind and I couldn't really say it or just my everyday feelings towards a topic.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Livin' in a Zoo!

Sometimes I feel like I live in a zoo. Now mine you I don't live on a farm, (although that would have been awesome) I still feel like I'm surrounded by animals 24/7.

I absolutely love animals.

As I was growing up I never had a time when I was animal free. We always had a pet running around our house. At one point we had 5 cats and a dog. I've also have had 3 hamsters in the past. Currently I live with 3 cats and 1 dog.

Being an only child there's always this running joke about the animals being my brother and sisters. It kind of creeps me out but its always funny when my mom or dad say that. One of animals I feel like I have a special bond. My cat Paris is always around. Whenever I'm in my room either doing homework for classes or typing away on this blog she is right there wondering what I'm doing. We got her back in 2006 and learned she was a stray that the pet shop rescued. to this day I can remember her climbing the pen she was in to catch a fly. My mom and I looked at each other and said "Yep she will fit in real well".

I have some crazy animals. First off Paris, she's a ball of lovin', but don't make her mad or her diva side comes out. We like to have batting fights because she sits on the island of the kitchen and watches me cook stuff. I have to make sure she doesn't come onto the counter to try to eat the food thus our fights. She is also a known biter and she likes to bat a you when she doesn't get her way. My next cat is just as crazy. His name is Sammy though he has a nickname of captain chaos. He is always getting into trouble. If you leave the door open to long he escapes to the outside but the funny thing is he doesn't run away he just runs around the yard. The farthest he's ever been is my neighbors front yard. He also likes to climb trees, I have had to climb many of our trees in order to save the cat. My oldest cat is Blue. He's been around forever but is still kicking. He's going to be twenty this year which to me is crazy. than there's my dog Elvis. No one would know he's a sweet dog, because he barks at everyone that he sees. Also he is a dachshund so he suffers from small dog syndrome, because he thinks he is bigger than he really is.

Sammy Paris



 In the future I can't wait to have my own animals so I can take random animal pictures and post them on different sites, like twitter or Instagram. - tweet me

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Power of YouTube

Never in a million years did I think watching a random person on a website (YouTube) would be a form of entertainment.

Now I couldn't imagine not watching.

It's strange to think that posting a video on YouTube can build up a social present.

Here's to a new way to blogging. Video + Blogging = Vlogging.

Here's to a new kind of celebrity called a "YouTuber - definition: someone who uses YouTube as a platform to form there thoughts.

I have been watching YouTube videos on and off since about 2009, maybe even before then. When I would go on YT I never thought about it being an actual community where you could discuss your thoughts about any ideas. Also people give advice, show a tutorial, gaming and comedy. I always went to YouTube to mainly look up music and watch the occasional funny video. Now its a whole another ballpark.

It was just in 2011ish maybe early 2012 that I discovered a new side to YouTube. I started out watching random videos of people showing DIY's or tutorials on certain things. After that I found people who just sit in front of  camera and film themselves talking about a particular subject.

In recent years YouTube is a new way to advertise for companies about their different brands. I've seen The Nokia Windows Phone, HuluPlus, different make up brands, hair care products, hair tools, even Puff Tissues and so many more. These companies have fond a gold mine. Now they don't have to go though television to reach an audience you use a YouTuber. One brand that utilizes many different YouTube communities is who is own by Amazon. I've watched so many videos where they offer a 30-day free trial just by using the invite code from that YouTuber.

Also these people have a present on other social media sites. You see different YouTubers who have a million or so people subscribed to their channel and this is the same for there twitter. Other social sites might not be as popular. I see with YouTubers that that people are more likely to follow them on twitter and Instagram than Facebook or Google+. 

Now there's so many people on YT who post weekly videos or even post everyday. You never know what kind of people you can find, its all a matter of seek and you shall find.

What I like about YouTube is the many communities that I see. You have the "Beauty Guru's" ( they post video on makeup, etc.), Comedy community, LGBT community and so many more that I've yet to discover.

If you want to check out some YouTubers and experience a whole new community: Here's my top 5 YouTubers I recommend -

Tyler Oakley -
Grace Helbig -
Ryan Higa -
Hannah Hart -
devinsupertramp -


Privacy on Social Media.

when it comes to privacy, everyday people need to know that some posts that we put on social networking sites can either help us or bite us in the butt. You should always think before you post something. I like this picture, to me its a pretty good visual to sum it up.
Mainly making sure that even though you want privacy on Facebook, Instagram or even twitter, something might not be worth posting about. The number one thing is to ask yourself will this come back to me and the usual answer is yes.

Its crazy to think just typing your name on Google and all kinds of websites pop up with your name on them. In class we were shown a few websites we could use to see if anything would hit. I tried out and also "Googled" myself. It was interesting to see things from MySpace, I haven't been on that site in so many years. So far I didn't see anything that would put up a red flag to an employer.

Now I was talking more in a personal use of social media. Now companies need to make sure they have privacy conducts. Its always good as a company to have a code of conduct incorporated with your social media so your employees know that, they could potential be fired for posting something unethical. Also to remember that social media changes everyday and privacy along with it.

There are so many things to consider when posting on social networking sites. Because in reality you don't have much privacy. You can always set your privacy setting so only people you know can view your profile. But doing that limits you because its social networking and your on there to connect with different people. Just remember to think before you post. also ask yourself some questions before you are posting beer pong pictures, do you really want strangers seeing these. Also its good to know when you are putting out maybe to much data to people, some things in your life are meant to be private and not blasted on social networks.

To sum up just be conscience of what you are posting. Also don't get sucked up in "everyone can see me", it can be creepy to realize just how un-private our lives can be on social media.

I found a website that could be useful its full of interesting tips on social networks titled "Fact Sheet 35: Social Networking Privacy: How to be Safe, Secure and Social" -


Friday, January 17, 2014

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?
That is a very good question. For many people its the usual Facebook and Twitter. For others it's Vine, Instagram, Tumblr, Blogging (Blogger or Wordpress), YouTube and any other sites you can name. Here's a wheel to see how much is actually out there on the internet.

Social Media Wheel -

As you can see there are so many social media outlets; so many more are being added.

How I would describe social media is simply a way for me to connect people who I haven't seen in years. I see social media as a well to keep up-to-date with someone from high school or even people from past colleges. Social media gives you a quick glimmer in someone else life. This can be quite creepy if you think about it. With social media you have no private life virtually, you can try but people can find you. Here's a video from YouTube that shows just how easy it is:

This brings me to another point about what social media is. It's a tool to analyze people. A job can potentially view your profile on Facebook and get a feel for you. LinkedIn is a professional way to network. When it comes to anything social media you need to be conscience of what you are putting out there. If you don't want your mama to see it than chances are you shouldn't post it. Just being smart on social media is always a plus.

Companies can use that information on your Facebook to figure out the best advertising. Competitors want their customers or in the social media world their followers to see their brand. I found an article, on a pretty interesting topic "How to Steal Your Competitor's Social Media Followers" - The article gives some good tip and tricks on social media. When it comes to companies all I know social media isn't going anywhere, and if you aren't plugged in somewhere now, the sooner the better.

With social media its here to stay. Who knows where it will go from here in 10 years we can have a new Facebook or a new Twitter. Someone can come up with a new social media app with another element other than pictures or video. You just never know what the future holds it can be different tomorrow. - Tweet Me




Thursday, January 16, 2014

Let Me Introduce Myself...Again.

I'm originally from a small town in Ohio called Ravenna. Though I've lived most of my life here in Louisville.

I am finally graduating this spring, I'm very excited but extremely nervous at the same time. The reason for this is because I don't know what I'm going to do after graduation. I know I'm interested in PR and social media, but i also have an interest in video editing. The main goal  and theme I want to accomplish is I want to work with sports in some way, possibly.

 I am a major sports fan, I love watching football, hockey, basketball, baseball and soccer. I have favorite teams that I follow in these sports. For football, i love the Miami Dolphins (I actually have blogged a little about them only 2 post thus far), for hockey its the Pittsburgh Penguins, for basketball I'm a Boston Celtic fan, for baseball it would be the Cleveland Indians, and soccer I don't really have a favorite team, I just like watching it. For college I'm a University of Kentucky fan (Go Big Blue).

I hope to get more in depth with blogging as the year progresses. I want to expand on other sports teams and also blog about more of my interest. I love finding new music, I want to blog about a new band that has come into the scene. I think blogging more about my interest is where I want to see my blog go. Right with my online reputation is I don't have a present right now, I would hope in the future it would show that I'm passionate about sports and possibly music, also any other interest that I find to be relevant to me. I do see that these topics are a bit odd to combine but I feel my blog is about me and who I am; I just happen to have a mixture of interests that i want to blend into a melting pot if at all possible. I want to do this now and into the future. 

My long term goal for my blog is to kept writing. I feel if I kept writing on the topics I'm interested on than I might become a better writer in the process. My writing will sound more professional and have that quality were people want to read my blog. - Tweet Me