I absolutely love animals.
As I was growing up I never had a time when I was animal free. We always had a pet running around our house. At one point we had 5 cats and a dog. I've also have had 3 hamsters in the past. Currently I live with 3 cats and 1 dog.
Being an only child there's always this running joke about the animals being my brother and sisters. It kind of creeps me out but its always funny when my mom or dad say that. One of animals I feel like I have a special bond. My cat Paris is always around. Whenever I'm in my room either doing homework for classes or typing away on this blog she is right there wondering what I'm doing. We got her back in 2006 and learned she was a stray that the pet shop rescued. to this day I can remember her climbing the pen she was in to catch a fly. My mom and I looked at each other and said "Yep she will fit in real well".
I have some crazy animals. First off Paris, she's a ball of lovin', but don't make her mad or her diva side comes out. We like to have batting fights because she sits on the island of the kitchen and watches me cook stuff. I have to make sure she doesn't come onto the counter to try to eat the food thus our fights. She is also a known biter and she likes to bat a you when she doesn't get her way. My next cat is just as crazy. His name is Sammy though he has a nickname of captain chaos. He is always getting into trouble. If you leave the door open to long he escapes to the outside but the funny thing is he doesn't run away he just runs around the yard. The farthest he's ever been is my neighbors front yard. He also likes to climb trees, I have had to climb many of our trees in order to save the cat. My oldest cat is Blue. He's been around forever but is still kicking. He's going to be twenty this year which to me is crazy. than there's my dog Elvis. No one would know he's a sweet dog, because he barks at everyone that he sees. Also he is a dachshund so he suffers from small dog syndrome, because he thinks he is bigger than he really is.

In the future I can't wait to have my own animals so I can take random animal pictures and post them on different sites, like twitter or Instagram.
https://twitter.com/redvelvet1343 - tweet me
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